Search code examples

Can someone Improve on this Query?

SELECT Services.Type, Description
    , CASE
       WHEN id = $user_id THEN 'YES'
       ELSE 'NO'
    END AS Checked
    , Details
from Services
LEFT JOIN SellerServices ON SellerServices.Type = Services.Type    
WHERE `id` =$user_id
 Services.Type NOT IN
    SELECT  SellerServices.Type
    FROM     SellerServices
    where id =$user_id

To Explain the Tables Involved, SellerServices is a table that describes which services a particular seller offers.

Services describes all the services.

If I was not joining these tables, a simple "select * from Services where 1" would nearly accomplish the goal of which rows to return, but as it is I have only found a subquery capable of accomplishing the task:

The second clause, where the Services.Type not in Subquery finds one each of the Services where the $user_id doesn't match, or it is null. These are the services the seller does not offer.

The first clause finds the services he offers. The case statement gives output in a format I like.

It works, but is there a way to improve it?


  • If you want to list services along with a "yes" or "no" flag indicating whether it is offered, you can do something like this:

    select s.type, s.description,
           (case when exists (select 1 from SellerServices ss where ss.Type = s.Type and = $user_id)
                 then 'YES'
                 else 'NO'
            end) as Checked,
    from services s;

    Your question doesn't specify where details comes from, so I'm guessing from services.

    You can also write this as a left outer join, assuming that there are no duplicates in the SellerServices table:

    select s.type, s.description,
           (case when ss.Type is not null
                 then 'YES'
                 else 'NO'
            end) as Checked,
    from Services s left join
         SellerServices ss
         on ss.Type = s.Type and = $user_id;

    This can handle details coming from either table.