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NgModel Inside NgRepeat with Angular Bootstrap DualListbox

As the title of my question implies, I am using Angular Bootstrap DualListbox inside an NgRepeat, but am not having any luck getting the NgModel to work properly. Let me try to mock up what I'm doing below...


$scope.things = mySvc.things;
$scope.vals = mySvc.vals;
$scope.selectedVals = [];
$scope.doStuff = function (aThing) {
  $, { thing: aThing, val = $scope.selectedVals[0].Value })
    .success(function () {
    .error(function () {


<header ng-repeat-start="thing in things">
 ng-options="val.Value for val in vals"
<button type="button" class="btn-lg" ng-click="doStuff(thing.Name)">Do Stuff</button>
<br ng-repeat-end />

My issue is that I cannot get $scope.selectedVals to pick up the selections from Angular Bootstrap DualListbox. My $scope.doStuff function is getting called with the thing.Name value passed properly, but I'm seeing an error in my console TypeError: Cannot read property 'Value' of undefined. Furthermore, I can observe through console logging that $scope.selectedVals is, in fact, empty.

I have a more or less identical set-up working in other parts of my web app, but it does not exist in an NgRepeat, so I have to assume that is the problem. Furthermore, I've seen some other posts about issues people have had with NgModel inside NgRepeat (see: here, here, here and here), but I can't really figure out how they relate to a solution to the particular problem that I'm having.

Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?


  • I'm guessing that the main problem is that you probably want to declare the selectedVals Array like this:

    $scope.selectedVals = new Array(mySvc.things.length);

    And use it like this in your view:

    <header ng-repeat-start="thing in things">
     ng-options="val.Value for val in vals"
    <button type="button" class="btn-lg" ng-click="doStuff(thing.Name, selectedVals[$index])">Do Stuff</button>
    <br ng-repeat-end />

    And then your doStuff function should be something like this:

    $scope.doStuff = function (aThing, selectedVal) {
      $, { thing: aThing, val = selectedVal)
        .success(function () {
        .error(function () {