I'm trying to use https://github.com/danialfarid/angular-file-upload but apparently I can't access the file
src = "{{ userPhotoUrl }}"
alt = ""
class = "img-circle img-responsive"
accept = "image/*"
data-multiple = "false"
ng-file-select = "onFileSelect($file)"
my Coffescript:
$scope.onFileSelect = ($file) ->
console.log $file
$scope.upload = $upload.upload
url : '/api/upload/photo'
file : $file
method : 'POST'
.progress (e) ->
console.log 'percent' + parseInt 100.0 * e.loaded / e.total
.success (data, status, headers, config) ->
console.log data, status, headers, config
I just get undefined
from the console.log($file)
What can be wrong? I tried to put the same logic in
<input type="file" ng-file-select="onFileSelect($file)">
But I get the same result
In HTML change $file
to $files
ng-file-select = "onFileSelect($files)"
That's something exposed by the file upload, like similarly you can use $last
or $first
together with ng-repeat