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How to traverse next/Previous 3 element in a list using Jquery each() method

I have a list items something like this that has images inisde it

 <li class="fluidratio" id="transparent-btns1_s1" style="display: list-item; transition: opacity 500ms ease-in-out 0s; float: none; position: absolute; opacity: 0; z-index: 1;">
        <div class="bg pg target thumbnail">
            <img class="thumb big" src="" name="secondary" style="margin-top: -19.5px;">
        <div class=" pagination_img">2 de 12</div>
  <li class="fluidratio" id="transparent-btns1_s1" style="display: list-item; transition: opacity 500ms ease-in-out 0s; float: none; position: absolute; opacity: 0; z-index: 1;">
        <div class="bg pg target thumbnail">
            <img class="thumb big" src="" name="secondary" style="margin-top: -19.5px;">
        <div class=" pagination_img">2 de 12</div>
  <li class="fluidratio" id="transparent-btns1_s1" style="display: list-item; transition: opacity 500ms ease-in-out 0s; float: none; position: absolute; opacity: 0; z-index: 1;">
        <div class="bg pg target thumbnail">
            <img class="thumb big" src="" name="secondary" style="margin-top: -19.5px;">
        <div class=" pagination_img">2 de 12</div>
  <li class="fluidratio" id="transparent-btns1_s1" style="display: list-item; transition: opacity 500ms ease-in-out 0s; float: none; position: absolute; opacity: 0; z-index: 1;">
        <div class="bg pg target thumbnail">
            <img class="thumb big" data-src="" name="secondary" style="margin-top: -19.5px;">
        <div class=" pagination_img">2 de 12</div>

After 3rd list element I am adding the url for images in data-src tag .

In the fiddle you can see two button to move next or previous image . So I want to check the Next or Previous 3 images if it has attribut data-src I want to change it to src .If not then do nothing and check the next one .

Here is the working fiddle for it .


If not this method then I am open for any other solution like . Maybe with ajax if I can do that


Here is Another link . In this example I am able to change all the data-src to src once the button is clicked . But I am trying to change only next 3 consecutive images Example Thanks & Regards


  • Getting the next 3 consecutive images means that a simple slice is not sufficient, because you can reach the end of the image list. The following example should demonstrate this issue:

    var imgs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], // every number stands for an image
        currentIndex = 3;
    // For getting the next three images a simple slice is not enough:
    var result = imgs.slice(currentIndex+1, currentIndex+1+3);
    console.log(result); // result is [4, 5]

    So at the border of an array you need a combination of two calls of the function slice.
    A jQuery solution for your problem could then be coded like this:

     * Find the previous elements and jump to the beginning of the list, if no more
     * elements are available at the right side of the list
     * @param  {Object} $elements A jQuery object with the elements
     * @param  {Number} index     The current index
     * @param  {Number} num       The number of elements to return
     * @return {Object}           A jQuery object with the found elements
    function next($elements, index, num) {
        // first try to slice enough elements (a maximum of num) 
        // of the right side of the index
        var $found = $elements.slice(index+1, index+1+num),
            diff = num - $found.length;
        // if there are not enough elements make a second slice 
        // at the beginning of the array
        if(diff) {
            $found = $found.add($elements.slice(0, diff));
        return $found;
     * Find the previous elements and jump to the end of the list, if no more
     * elements are available at the left side of the list
     * @param  {Object} $elements A jQuery object with the elements
     * @param  {Number} index     The current index
     * @param  {Number} num       The number of elements to return
     * @return {Object}           A jQuery object with the found elements
    function prev($elements, index, num) {
        // first try to slice enough elements (a maximum of num) 
        // of the left side of the index
        var $found = $elements.slice(Math.max(index-num, 0), Math.max(index, 0)),
            diff = num - $found.length;
        // if there are not enough elements make a second slice 
        // at the end of the array
        if(diff) {
            $found = $found.add($elements.slice($elements.length - diff));
        return $found;
     * A helper function for choosing between next and prev 
     * on the basis of the direction
     * @param  {Object} $elements A jQuery object with the elements
     * @param  {Number} index     The current index
     * @param  {Number} num       The number of elements to return
     * @param  {Number} direction The direction to search for elements
     *                            1 stands for forwards and -1 for backwards
     * @return {Object}           A jQuery object with the found elements
    function nextOrPrev($elements, index, steps, direction) {
        var func = direction === 1 ? next : prev;
        return func($elements, index, steps);

    To get this working with your example you must keep track of the current index and the direction. Since you are using the plugin responsiveSlides you can do this like this:

    var lastIndex = 0,
        index = 0,
        direction = 1,
        $lis = $(".rslides li"),
        len = $lis.length;
        startidx: 0,
        auto: false,
        pager: true,
        nav: true,
        speed: 500,
        maxwidth: 540,
        namespace: "transparent-btns",
        before: function(i) {
            // there is a bug that the index is sometimes -1, here is the fix:
            if(i < 0) {
                i = len + i;
            lastIndex = index;
            index = i;
            direction = (lastIndex+1)%len === index ? 1 : -1;

    The last thing you have to do is to replace the line

    $lis.each(function(i, n) {

    with this line:

    nextOrPrev($lis, lastIndex, limit, direction).each(function(i, n) {

    Here is the complete jsfiddle-example