I am using the exact CSON from the official CSON docs
# an array
abc: [
# an object
b: 'c'
Loading this file (saved in test.cson
) always returns an error:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var CSON = require('cson'),
log = console.log.bind(console);
var config = CSON.parseFileSync('test.cson')
if ( Object.prototype.toString.call(config) === '[object Error]' ) {
log('Error loading file', config)
Running this always returns:
Error loading file [TypeError: undefined is not a function]
How can I load a CSON file?
The problem was running an unstable (0.11) version of node - I'd switched to another machine where I was working on something which required generators. At the time of writing, CSON does not work on node 0.11.