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Ignoring Duplicate Records But Bumping Them Up Top

I am making a feed system similar to the way facebook works now what I am trying to implement is the duplicate functionality.

if a user writes the same post= then don't display it duplicatly as PHP normally does by default but bump it up the top so users knows another user as re-wrote it

Here's my query

$select_posts_from_groups_query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM spud_groups_posts LEFT JOIN spud_groups_members
 ON spud_groups_posts.group_url = spud_groups_members.gurl WHERE member_name='$mybb_username' GROUP BY post_body ORDER BY time_posted DESC" );

how can I get it to bump it self as the latest update once a user re duplicates it it would let users know that some one else has shared it

Thanks ;)


  • Three solutions

    Assuming you have a update timing field on your data record called time_updated, there are a couple of things you could do:

    1. you could simply max the two:

    ORDER BY max(time_posted,time_updated) DESC

    This might give issues with NULL values though

    1. substitute NULLs in the time_updated

    ORDER BY nvl(time_updated, time_posted) DESC

    (Oracle sql syntax nvl() substitutes NULL in the 1st param with the 2nd param - don't know what DB you are using)

    1. always store time_updated (the best solution IMO). When creating the post (initially) set time_updated = time_created AND use

    ORDER BY time_updated DESC