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php.ini ignores some settings

Using LAMP server with Ubuntu I an trying to increase the following:

  • upload_max_filesize
  • post_max_size
  • session.gc_maxlifetime

By using phpinfo() I checked the basics:

  • Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php5/apache2
  • Loaded Configuration File: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

If I change upload_max_filesize from 2M to 3M and restart Apache phpinfo() still shows 2M. However if I change precision or output_buffering the new value is displayed by phpinfo().

Why does php ignores some of my settings? How shall I tackle this?


  • After lots of searching I found a hint in this post.

    When I wanted to adjust the error reporting level I copied what I found on to my php.ini file:

    error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

    This works if you are using it in a PHP script, but not in the .ini file.

    The correct format for configuration is:

    error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

    The tricky bit is that PHP will stop if there is a syntax error and settings after the error will not be executed.

    Hope my saga will help others.