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Installing Params::Validate with cpan - Unable to start 'Build'

I'm trying to install Bugzilla for demo purposes on my Win8 PC using cygwin. I'm stuck at installing Perl modules, more specifically Params::Validate.

I've tried Params::Validate

and with cpan:

install Params::Validate

The error message I get is following (in short):

Running Build install Unable to start 'Build': There is no application associated with the given file name extension. DROLSKY/Params-Validate-1.13.tar.gz sudo ./Build install -- NOT OK Failed during this command: DROLSKY/Params-Validate-1.13.tar.gz : install NO

The error message is quite simple and clear, but I have absolutely no clue where to find an application which should be associated with the 'Build'-file. Google couldn't help me either. Anyone of you can?

PS. Avast moved some files to quarantine earlier during the installation. I disabled the file monitoring from Avast and re-ran the installation of those modules (at least Module::Runtime) and got response that it went OK.


  • Download Params-Validate-1.13.tar.gz and extract the contents to a temporary directory. Open the command line in that temporary directory and type:

    perl Build.PL

    This generates a file called Build. Now to actually build the module run:


    Hopefully you don't get any nasty-sounding error messages. Before installing the module, let's test it works:

    ./Build test

    Hopefully the test suite passes. Now you can install the module. You will need to run this as a user who has write permission over your Perl library directories. (On Linux/Unix machines, that might involve using sudo.) To install the module, run:

    ./Build install

    All done.