Hi I am following the tutorial here from Hilary and here from Hadley Wickham trying to create a dummy package.
However, my package need some external dependencies XML
and RCurl
in this case, when I run the command document, it will complain that:
> setwd('/home/datafireball/projects/Rprojects/rgetout/rgetout')
> document()
Error: could not find function "document"
> library(devtools)
> document()
Updating rgetout documentation
Loading rgetout
Loading required namespace: XML
Error in (function (dep_name, dep_ver = NA, dep_compare = NA) :
Dependency package XML not available.
Package: rgetout
Title: A R package to get all the outlinks for a given URL
Version: 0.1
Authors@R: "Eric Cartman <Eric.Cartman@gmail.com> [aut, cre]"
Description: This package is intended to include as much web extraction functionality as much as possible. It starts with one function. getout will extract
all the outlinks for a given URL with a user-agent that you can customize.
Depends: R (>= 3.0.2)
License: MIT
LazyData: true
Here is the source code github repo if you want to get more info.
It is assumed that you will have the required tools / dependencies for developing a package when you are doing so.
has a dependencies argument that will attempt to install uninstalled packages on which a package depends / (in whichever way they are dependent (suggests/ depends/linkingTo).
will perform similarly.
Installing a package and documenting it as a component of development are quiet different activities .