Suppose we have a custom salesforce controller and a custom visualforce page for it. at the end of the visualforce page I like to evaluate a public member variable of the controller and if it is true I like to add the contents of another visualforce page (e.g. apex/test) to the first page.
<apex:page controller="mycontroller">
my tags and page contents comes here
{!if(my_member_variable == true, attach contents of "apex/test" page to end of this page, "do nothing")}
How can I do that?
In simple words, I am searching for a command similar to include() on PHP for visualforce.
Sounds like you want to use an apex:include along with its rendered attribute.
<apex:page controller="mycontroller">
<!-- ... -->
<apex:include pageName="TheNameOfTheIncludedPage" rendered="{!my_member_variable}"/>
Incidentally. The is a great place to ask Salesforce specific questions.