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GCC ARM C compiler not respecting -std=c99 for %llx printf formatting code

I'm trying to print some 64-bit unsigned integers using something like this:

uint64_t x = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
printf("Value: %016llx \n", x); 

and I get this in response:


If I change the formatting string to %016lx I get a compile warning for using the wrong type and it only prints the lower 32 bits:


I've got the -std=c99 string in my compiler options, which should enforce the ll option, right?

For reference, this is the arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler (v4.7.3) that ships with the latest version of Silicon Labs' Simplicity Studio IDE.


  • Have you tried this ?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <inttypes.h>
        uint64_t n = 0x123456789;
        printf("n = %#" PRIx64 "\n", n);
        return (0);

    Implementation of printf or scanf depends on libc your're using and may not support long long. Please, check it by printing value of PRIx64 - I guess in your case it will be "lx" instead of "llx".

    Pasting a part of inttype.h of ARM toolchain gcc-arm-embedded

    /* 64-bit types */
    #if __have_long64
    #define __PRI64(x) __STRINGIFY(l##x)
    #define __SCN64(x) __STRINGIFY(l##x)
    #elif __have_longlong64
    #define __PRI64(x) __STRINGIFY(ll##x)
    #define __SCN64(x) __STRINGIFY(ll##x)
    #define __PRI64(x) __STRINGIFY(x)
    #define __SCN64(x) __STRINGIFY(x)
    #define PRIx64          __PRI64(x)
    #define PRIX64          __PRI64(X)