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RESTFul OAuth with FOSOAuthServer / FOSRest & FOSUser

I'm having difficulties to fully understand the concept of the client creation explained here. I followed the post to set up the OAuthBundle, and tried to make the changes needed to comply with FOSUser. Though I'm not sure it's perfect.

My situation

  • My Website is a RESTFul API, which return json or xml only. My frontend will be in AngularJS
  • I combined FOSUser, FOSRest and FOSOAuth, it's possible I'm having errors in the configuration.

The Problem

I finished setting up the first part of the article up to the doctrine:schema:update command. Now I'm supposed to create a client.

How can I set the security for parts of the ^/api for differents ROLES ?


  • Anonymous users can access POST /api/users but not GET /api/users.
  • Only users with ROLE_ADMIN can access DELETE /api/users/{id}

For testing I'm using Postman (that support OAuth1 & 2, along with other means of auth).


  • Using expressions in security.yml

    In order to secure certain routes by a conditional combination of (request)-method AND (user)-role ...

    ... you can make use of Expressions in your security.yml.

    More information can be found in the documentation chapter Securing by an Expression.


    Only users with role ROLE_ADMIN shall be allowed to access /api/users/{id} using a DELETE request:

    # app/config/security.yml
        # ...
            - path: "^/api/users/\d+$"
              allow_if: "'DELETE' == request.getMethod() and has_role('ROLE_ADMIN')"

    Regex explanation

    • ^ begins with
    • \d+ one or more digits (= user id)
    • $ string end