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How to define a javascript internal method that needs to be accessible from inside obj and out

I'm trying to fully grasp JavaScript inheritance and encapsulation. Take the following example (and here is a fiddle of it):

myPage = {
    someObj: function() {
        var x = 0;        

        //PRIVATE: increment by 10
        var inc10 = function() {
            x = x+10;

        //PUBLIC: increment = function() {
            x = x+1;

        //PUBLIC: decrement
        this.dec = function() {
            x = x-1;

        //PUBLIC: output the current value of x
        this.getValue = function() {
            return x;

        inc10(); //as soon as obj1 is created lets add 10; //as soon as obj1 is created lets add 1 more

obj1 = new myPage.someObj(); //x starts out at 11
// obj1.inc10(); won't work because it's private, excellent


My question is about the inc() method. I need it to be callable from inside and outside of the object. Is this the proper way to do that?


  • I need it to be callable from inside and outside of the object. Is this the proper way to do that?

    Your script does seem to work as expected already, you are calling the method as in your constructor perfectly fine - not sure why it needs improvement.

    You could however define it as a local function, which you then are going to export as a method - and have it still available "inside" as a local variable:

    function SomeObj() {
        // local declarations:
        var x;
        function inc10() {
            x = x+10;
        function inc1() {
            x = x+1;
        // exported as property: = inc1; // <== the function from above, not a literal
        this.dec = function() {
            x = x-1;
        this.getValue = function() {
            return x;
        // initialisation:
        x = 0;
        inc1(); // would still work