I start saying that i am really new to R, hence this could be a very simple problem.
I want to do a monte carlo simulation with a beta distribution. The case is that i have a website, which will receive from 0 to 10 visualisations each day for one year, and i want to simulate this.
The first step in my dissertation is to produce a diagram showing the shape of the beta distribution.
To do so, i do
which gives to me an ugly diagram like this:
then i tried to do
in this case i obtain the right diagram which has this flaw: it exceedes the domain [0,10] on the 0 side:
can anyone help me? thank you for your help in advance!
Answer part:
by using plot(density(10*x), xlim = c(0, 10)) i obtain
which again has the ptoblem with the offset of the domain and not only, it seems like if the function was moved to the right, since i expect that given x1
Do you literally just want a plot of the Beta distribution with parameters 1, 4?:
# Points over which we will evaluate Beta PDF
x <- seq(0, 1, 0.05)
# PDF values
y <- dbeta(x, 1, 4, ncp=0)
plot(x*10, y, type="l")
If you really want something simulated you could also do a histogram like this:
hist(rbeta(2000, 1, 4, ncp=0), breaks=25)