I created a simple module in Python named nester.py
Source Code:
This function prints a Python list, which may contain nested lists,
in a sweet format.
This function takes one required and two optional parameters.
1> bigList - The list that may or may not contain nested lists.
1> level - The level of the indent.
2> indent - If a list is to be indented or not.
def nester(bigList, level = 0, indent = False):
for items in bigList: # Traverse through each item.
if isinstance(items, list): # If the current item is a nested list,
nester(items, level + 1, indent) # Recurse with the nested list and +1 indent level.
else: # Else,
if indent: # Check if indent is desired,
for nest in range(level):
print("\t", end = '') # Print `level` numbers of '\t' characters.
print(items) # Finally print atomic item in the list.
I wish to upload this module on http://pypi.python.org
So I created the following setup.py
from distutils.core import setup
name = "nester",
version = "1.0.0",
py_modules = ["nester"],
author = "Aditya R.Singh",
author_email = "[email protected]",
url = "http://adirascala.site50.net",
description = "A sweet printer of nested Python lists."
This is my first time I am trying to upload something on PyPi
Now from my Macbook pro terminal
, I typed:
python setup.py register
This was the output I got:
Adityas-MacBook-Pro:nester aditya$ python setup.py register
running register
running check
We need to know who you are, so please choose either:
1. use your existing login,
2. register as a new user,
3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or
4. quit
Your selection [default 1]:
Username: AdiSingh
Registering nester to https://pypi.python.org/pypi
Server response (403): You are not allowed to store 'nester' package information
Adityas-MacBook-Pro:nester aditya$
Why am I not allowed to store package information? I did sign up on PyPi already with the username AdiSingh
and also confirmed my registration.
Any help?
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance!
First off, you should be using TestPyPI if you're just playing around, the main PyPI site is generally reserved for real modules. You'll need a separate login, just read through the link.
Second, searching PyPI for nester
reveals that there is already a package with that name (as well as dozens of similar packages), which is why you're getting the error. You'll need to choose a unique name for your package before uploading.