Search code examples

repeat group header on each page top

I have a group header and I need to repeat this on top of every page only. It should not repeat for all the group values.

Please suggest how to do.


Dept : Sales

Name    Job     Sal

aa          rer       434  

Dept : Sales

rr         hgh      494 

Dept : HR

rtr        hjggh      49

Here Name Job Sal headers should repeat top of the each page only.


  • you can place Name Job Sal on your page header rather than place it on your group header, so you will get that info repeated at the top of every new page and not every time the group change.

    If you want to keep Name Job Sal on your group header, create a shared variable on your page footer initialized in 0(example: shared numbervar suppress :=0), then place that variable on your group header adding 1 every time the group change(example: shared numbervar suppress := suppress + 1), then right click on your group header, section expert and place this suppress condition shared numbervar suppress <> 1, then ok to save, right click on your group header again and go to change group, options tab and check the option that says Repeat group header on each page, then Ok and run the report.