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Php Custom Division Function

I'm thinking about writing a simple function to handle all my division for my web application. The main reason is to catch division by 0 errors. I'm thinking I'll just return 0 when division by 0 is attempted.

Am I completely thinking wrong here?

The web application is very extensive and currently used by 5 different businesses. It records and processes over 10,000 different records every day. So saying stop dividing by zero is simply not a solution.


  • Try something like this:

    function division($dividend, $divisor) {
        if ($divisor == 0) {
            //change this return value to whatever fits your code 
            return 0;
        } else {
            return $dividend / $divisor;


    echo division(4, 2);     // 2
    echo division(9, (5-1)); // 2.25
    echo division(1, 0);     // 0

    You could also throw an Exception if the divisor equals zero or return false, for example, and treat the error in whatever way you need.