I have a directory that contains 30 php includes with various blocks of html. I am trying to include 5-6 of these files based on the parameters of the url. The files are named like this:
1.php 2.php 3.php ... 30.php
And the URL looks like this:
I need something like this but I know this isn't valid:
$include = @$_GET['include']; // hyphen separated list of file names.
$arr = explode("-", $include); //explode into an array
foreach ($arr as $filename) {
include $filename."php";
Result I am trying to get:
include '1.php';
include '4.php';
include '14.php';
include '20.php';
include '29.php';
Thanks for any help you can offer.
I would loop through the array, so would take the minimum and the maximum values, like this:
$include = $_GET['include']; // hyphen separated list of file names.
$arr = explode("-", $include); //explode into an array
# What's the min and max of the array?
$max = max($arr);
$min = min($arr);
# Just to see what's happening.
echo $max."-".$min;
# Start at the lowest value, and work towards the highest in the array.
for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
# Include the nth php file
include $i.".php";
Oh sorry, just seen I've misunderstood your question, you are not looking for ranges, but individual calls. Then this one's for you:
$include = $_GET['include']; // hyphen separated list of file names.
$arr = explode("-", $include); //explode into an array
foreach ($arr as $filename) {
include $filename.".php";