The following code is not working as it should.
SELECT Species, FishName, Rank, Angler, lb, oz, dr, Drams, Peg, DateCaught
(SELECT Species, FishName, Rank, Angler, lb, oz, dr, Drams, Peg, DateCaught
ORDER BY FishName, Drams DESC) a
WHERE Species = 'Common Bream'
ORDER BY Species ASC, Rank ASC, Drams ASC
It is a list for the species of Common Bream and will show a record list of the top weights for each fish name AND the angler that caught them.
BUT for some unknown reason - and I haven't edited it, it has stopped working and now only returns the one anglers best rather than the actual best.
The inner statement has tested fine and returns a list of the fish names and arranged the weight (drams) in desc order. When this is displayed then the top record of each fish name is the highest capture weight. The outer statement is now failing.
Any help here would be really appreciated. Also I would love to know why it stopped working.
An example:
Species FishName Drams Angler
Common Bream Henry 300 Peter Beard
Common Bream Henry 400 Harry Web
Common Bream Henry 0 Carl Pilk
Common Bream Darcy 0 Peter Beard
Common Bream Darcy 760 Harry Web
Common Bream Darcy 900 Carl Pilk
The result would be
Common Bream Records
Fishname Drams Angler
Henry 400 Harry Web
Darcy 900 Carl Pilk
inner join (
species, fishname, max(drams) as maxdrams
group by species, fishname
) sq on t.species = sq.species and t.fishname = sq.fishname and sq.maxdrams = t.drams