Recently upgraded to RabbitMQ version 3.2.0 from 2.x previously. The version of pika being used is 0.9.13. Previously when sending "large" messages (20k - 40k maybe not that large) it would send the message without any problems. Now with the new RabbitMQ server the message will not send and instead hangs at basic_publish and will not send the message to the server; small messages do not seem to be an issue.
This is causing some frustration because the only thing that has changed is effectively upgrading the server to a newer version. I noticed that RabbitMQ states on their site that a limit to frame_max size is now set by default. I tried changing my /etc/rabbitmq/rabbit.config file to eliminate the frame_max:
[{rabbit, [{frame_max ,0 }]}].
Then of course restart the service:
service rabbitmq-server restart
I was able to verify this change by using:
rabbitmqctl environment
This did not solve my issue however as the same problem still persists; I can't send large messages to my rabbitmq server. Any ideas on what might be wrong?
I noticed that my answer in my question was deleted so here is the resolution:
I had to upgrade to pika 0.9.14 ; this solved my problem. There were some issues of compatibility with pika 0.9.13 and a recent upgrade to rabbitmq version 3+
This version of pika can be found here