I have check_feature method in application_controller.rb
def self.check_feature(feature, options = {})
before_filter(options) { |controller| controller.check_feature_now(feature) }
def check_feature_now(feature)
raise MyError.new(401, I18n.t('exception.feature_not_enabled'), ErrorCodes::FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED) unless feature_enabled?(feature)
And I'm using this as a filter (before_filter).
In my controller I wanna say something, like at least one of the two features enabled to access the controller.
If I do something like:
check_feature :feature1
check_feature :feature2
I'll need feature1 AND feature2 enabled to pass the filter.
I want something like:
check_feature :feature1 || check_feature :feature2
Any ideas?
Create a wrapper that will be aware of multiple features. Something along these lines:
def self.require_one_of(*features, options = {})
before_filter(options) do |controller|
unless features.any?{|f| controller.feature_enabled?(f)}
raise MyError.new(401, I18n.t('exception.feature_not_enabled'), ErrorCodes::FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED)
# then
require_one_of :feature1, :feature2