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is there a way to monitor transactional replication latency without using tokens?

When I have latency on my replicated publications, I resort to adding a token and watch it. Is there any way of troubleshooting replication latency without the use of tokens? This is SQL Server 2005 - Transactional Replication.


  • I found out this link about checking replication latency using T-SQL and created the procedure in my environment and it worked very nicely.

    here is the code of the procedure, and in the comments, how I have utilized it.

    -- this procedure is to be created inside the publication database
    Create Procedure dbo.dba_replicationLatencyGet_sp
            /* Declare Parameters */
              @publicationToTest sysname        = N'yourPublicationName'
            , @replicationDelay  varchar(10)    = N'00:00:30'
            , @iterations        int            = 5
            , @iterationDelay    varchar(10)    = N'00:00:30'
            , @deleteTokens      bit            = 1
            , @deleteTempTable   bit            = 1
        Name:       dba_replicationLatencyGet_sp
        Author:     Michelle F. Ufford
        Purpose:    Retrieves the amount of replication latency in seconds
        Notes:      Default settings will run 1 test every minute for 5 minutes.
                    @publicationToTest = change the default to your publication
                    @replicationDelay = how long to wait for the token to replicate;
                        probably should not set to anything less than 10 (in seconds)
                    @iterations = how many tokens you want to test
                    @iterationDelay = how long to wait between sending test tokens
                        (in seconds)
                    @deleteTokens = whether you want to retain tokens when done
                    @deleteTempTable = whether or not to retain the temporary table
                        when done.  Data stored to ##tokenResults; set @deleteTempTable 
                        flag to 0 if you do not want to delete when done.
        Called by:  DBA
        Marcelo Miorelli
        01-Oct-2014 wednesday
        I found this wonderful procedure at this site:
        I have tested it
        DB: AUAccount
        I had to create the procedure in the Publisher database, and run it from there.
            Exec dbo.dba_replicationLatencyGet_sp
              @publicationToTest    = N'AUAccount'
            , @replicationDelay     = N'00:00:05'
            , @iterations           = 1
            , @iterationDelay       = N'00:00:05'
            , @deleteTokens         = 1
            , @deleteTempTable      = 1;
        "La observación y la percepción son dos cosas separadas; 
         el ojo que observa es más fuerte, el ojo que percibe es más débil. "
         "el libro de los 5 anillos" 
        Date        Initials    Description
        2008-11-20   MFU        Initial Release
        Exec dbo.dba_replicationLatencyGet_sp
              @publicationToTest    = N'yourPublicationName'
            , @replicationDelay     = N'00:00:05'
            , @iterations           = 1
            , @iterationDelay       = N'00:00:05'
            , @deleteTokens         = 1
            , @deleteTempTable      = 1;
    Set NoCount On;
    Set XACT_Abort On;
        /* Declare Variables */
        Declare @currentIteration   int
              , @tokenID            bigint
              , @currentDateTime    smalldatetime;
        If Object_ID('tempdb.dbo.##tokenResults') Is Null
            Create Table ##tokenResults
                            ( iteration           int             Null
                            , tracer_id           int             Null
                            , distributor_latency int             Null
                            , subscriber          varchar(1000)   Null
                            , subscriber_db       varchar(1000)   Null
                            , subscriber_latency  int             Null
                            , overall_latency     int             Null );
        /* Initialize our variables */
        Select @currentIteration = 0
             , @currentDateTime  = GetDate();
        While @currentIteration < @iterations
            /* Insert a new tracer token in the publication database */
            Execute sys.sp_postTracerToken 
              @publication = @publicationToTest,
              @tracer_token_id = @tokenID OutPut;
            /* Give a few seconds to allow the record to reach the subscriber */
            WaitFor Delay @replicationDelay;
            /* Store our results in a temp table for retrieval later */
            Insert Into ##tokenResults
              , subscriber
              , subscriber_db
              , subscriber_latency
              , overall_latency
            Execute sys.sp_helpTracerTokenHistory @publicationToTest, @tokenID;
            /* Assign the iteration and token id to the results for easier investigation */
            Update ##tokenResults
            Set iteration = @currentIteration + 1
              , tracer_id = @tokenID
            Where iteration Is Null;
            /* Wait for the specified time period before creating another token */
            WaitFor Delay @iterationDelay;
            /* Avoid endless looping... :) */
            Set @currentIteration = @currentIteration + 1;
        Select * From ##tokenResults;
        If @deleteTempTable = 1
            Drop Table ##tokenResults;
        If @deleteTokens = 1
           Execute sp_deleteTracerTokenHistory @publication = @publicationToTest, @cutoff_date = @currentDateTime;
        Set NoCount Off;
        Return 0;