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Featherlight Lightbox JS issue

Im implementing Featherlight's Lightbox in my WP's the Github page for anybody interested Seems like a really nice lightbox right? (if you guys advice any others, please let me know.

I enqueued all css & js files nicely in my functions.php and it works. in the documentation is stated that I can create galleries by adding this in my theme.js (for example):

  gallery: {
    previous: '«',
    next: '»',
    fadeIn: 300
  openSpeed: 300

This should mean that every a on a page with the class gallery will be combined into a clickable lightbox gallery, cool! however when I do this, my Owl-carousel breaksI embedded this beautiful slider in my theme as well and would like to use this slider in combination with the lightbox!

What I found out so far:

  1. When the code above is not included in my js file, Owl carousel has the following classes assigned: owl-carousel owl-theme owl-responsive-1199 owl-loaded note the owl-loaded
  2. When the code above is included in my js file, the owl carousel only has the class owl-carousel, meaning is it hidden, and not loaded. It is there in my DOM, but it does not show up due to the missing classes.

I have no idea what's causing this and what else to tell you guys. I can understand you have more questions, so please ask so I can give you more info.



  • So if you are about to initialize the featherlight plugin on images contained by the owl slider, I think the problem will be in the timing.

    Check out this pen

      var carousel = $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({
        gallery: {
          previous: '«',
          next: '»',
          fadeIn: 300
        openSpeed: 300

    On the pen I have loaded both owl-carousel.min.js, feather.min.js and because as it says " Gallery is just a plugin for this plugin" ( Hehe, pluginception )..

    So you steps:

    1. Make sure you already have loaded all of assets
    2. Check your js if it could find the .gallery class links
    3. If not, lets fix it.
    4. Customize for your needs.