There are lots of questions around this but none solve my problem. I have a SQL server database as the datasource, an input text box and a search button. When the text is entered and the search button is pressed, a dropdown list of rows that contain the searched text is displayed. The user selects the row they want to look at and that information is displayed in a gridview. (1 row returned)
I want the searched text to be highlighted. This is what I have and it should work but I cant figure out why it doesn't:
foreach (GridViewRow row in searchTextGridView2.Rows)
string text = searchText_txt.Text; //Text that was entered in the search text field
int length = searchTextGridView2.Columns.Count; //Number of Columns on the grid
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) //loop through each column
string newText = row.Cells[i].Text.ToString(); //Get the text in the cell
if (newText.Contains(text)) //If the cell text contains the search text then do this
string highlight = "<span style='background-color:yellow'>" + text + "</span>";
string replacedText = Regex.Replace(newText, text, highlight, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
row.Cells[i].Text = replacedText;
The above code is inside the event for the dropdown selected item changed. If I searched for "claims", it will highlight all instances of that word but if I searched for "Claims", it only highlights words with the capital "C". Any help appreciated
Your problem is not from the Replace()
method - it's the Contains()
Whenever you call Contains()
on a string it will perform case-sensitive
comparison so the following line will always return false
"Some Claims".Contains("claims");
In order to overcome this you should use String.IndexOf(String, Int32)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
string newText = row.Cells[i].Text.ToString();
if (newText.IndexOf(text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0
string highlight = "<span style='background-color:yellow'>$0</span>";
string replacedText = Regex.Replace(newText, text, highlight, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
row.Cells[i].Text = replacedText;