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In Vim tab-completion of file names doesn't work

When I try to open a file in Vim (Linux) for editing, when I press TAB, Vim autocompletes filename only with filenames from the current directory. However, having searched on the Web, I suppose that from version 7 Vim should support bash-like filename autocompletion using filenames from all the directories in the search path.

Say, there is a file file1 in a directory dir1 (which directory is also in the environment variable PATH).

I type the following commands in Vim:

set path=/dir1
set wildmode=list:longest

And then, when I type:

:e fil<TAB>

The filename is not autocompleted. How to enable this feature in Vim?


  • Tab-completion works. You just expect it to do something it is not actually supposed to do.

    :e[dit] and its siblings (:sp[lit], :vs[plit], :tabe[dit]) don't use the path option at all, no matter what version of Vim you have.

    • Use :fin[d] fil<Tab> instead (and :sf[ind], :vert sf[ind], :tabf[ind]).

    • Use set path=/dir1/** to make :find recursive.

    See :help 'path' and :help :find.


    It is generally considered "good practice" to start Vim from the root of your project:

    $ cd /path/to/project
    $ vim somefile

    The main advantage being that it sets Vim's "current directory" to a usable value that allows you to browse your project relatively easily or use external programs on your project in a clean and intuitive way.