Can Permalink_fu combine 2 or more model attributes to create a unique permalink?
Let's say I have a Business Model, this model contains :name, :address, :phone, :city, :state, :country etc. attributes.
Right now I have permalink set up in this model only for :name
has_permalink :name
So I would get "/biz/name". However I would like to combine the Business name, city, and a incremental number if there are more than 1 location in the city for that business.
For example I would like to use:
"/biz/joes-coffee-shack-chicago" for the permalink
or if a multple location business
Is this possible with the current permalink_fu plugin or some fork of permalink_fu? Or will this require some modification to the permalink_fu plugin?
You can set the attributes as an array:
has_permalink [:one, :two, :three]
They will be automatically joined by -
. Permalink_fu also automatically adds a suffix if there's already a record with that permalink.