everything works fine when creating a room and automatch too, but the problem is when i call p.getDisplayName(), in this code it dosn't return the opponent name it returns some junk letters ..
void updatePeerScoresDisplay() {
((TextView) findViewById(R.id.score0)).setText(formatScore(mScore) + " - Me");
int[] arr = {
R.id.score1, R.id.score2, R.id.score3
int i = 0;
if (mRoomId != null) {
for (Participant p : mParticipants) {
String pid = p.getParticipantId();
if (pid.equals(mMyId))
if (p.getStatus() != Participant.STATUS_JOINED)
int score = mParticipantScore.containsKey(pid) ? mParticipantScore.get(pid) : 0;
((TextView) findViewById(arr[i])).setText(formatScore(score) + " - "+
It returns something like Player234, it won't return the player's name, even if he/she is in your circles (as I have experienced). That's the point of a random opponent match.
google play game realtime multiplayer how to get quickmatch player's name?