I have a simple subscription running in Iron Router.
@route 'AdminEditor',
path: '/admin/editor/:id?'
controller: 'AdminController'
template: 'AdminRoot'
'AdminEditor': { to: 'adminAside' }
waitOn: ->
return Meteor.subscribe 'getArticle', @params.id
The publication:
Meteor.publish 'getArticle', (id) ->
return Articles.find { 'id': id }
My database is not empty and have a single document into it:
"authors" : [
"date" : ISODate("2014-10-01T20:07:48.846Z"),
"title" : "Meteor #5",
"content" : "hello",
"id" : 1,
"_id" : "WL7ygMw2jL9WnmRYZ"
But when I go to /admin/editor/1
and type in my chrome debugger Articles.findOne()
, it doesn't return anything. I also have defined the collection in a lib folder:
@Articles = new Meteor.Collection 'articles' # run on both client and server
I know there is probably a little thing I forgot, but the subscription seems to work: when I subscribe to it from the chrome debugger and do a find, it returns the object.
Meteor.subscribe('getArticle', 1);
Can you log the value of @params.id in the waitOn to check what you're actually sending? It could be the fact that you're sending it as a string rather than an integer (as you are in the console). If so, you just need to parseInt
and it should work.