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Twisted Python, using ssl.CertificateOptions when switching from plain text to secure connection

Following advice from Jean-Paul Calderone here on SO, I'm trying to modify the twisted "starttls_server" sample below to support the use of ssl.ClientCertificateOptions, to allow me to specify my private key, certificate, and trusted roots, as per

from twisted.internet import ssl, protocol, defer, task, endpoints
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from twisted.python.modules import getModule

class TLSServer(LineReceiver):
    def lineReceived(self, line):
        print("received: " + line)
        if line == "STARTTLS":
            print("-- Switching to TLS")

def main(reactor):
    certData = getModule(__name__).filePath.sibling('server.pem').getContent()
    cert = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(certData)
    factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(TLSServer)
    factory.options = cert.options()
    endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 8000)
    return defer.Deferred()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import starttls_server

My understanding is that I effectively need to replace the cert = ssl.PrivateCertificate... and cert.options = ssl.PrivateCertificate.... lines with something like certopts = ssl.CertificateOptions(privateKey=pKeyData, certificate=certData, trustRoot=caCertsData) (having read the appropriate files in to certData, caCertsData, and pKeyData) and then pass this in to factory.options - but without pasting every variant of code I've tried, I've yet to work this out correctly - my efforts have produced varying results from the classic "OpenSSL.crypto.Error: []" - through to seemingly just dumping the contents of my 3 PEM files to screen and exiting!

Can anyone enlighten me? Thank you :)


  • cert.options() is already returning a CertificateOptions. The problem is that options takes authorities (as Certificate objects) as positional args, and doesn't let you pass through all the other configuration values through, so you probably want to construct a CertificateOptions directly.

    Just change the factory.options = cert.options() line to factory.options = ssl.CertificateOptions(...).

    However, CertificateOptions takes a pyOpenSSL PKey object as its privateKey, not the key data. So you'll need to use OpenSSL APIs to load that key, or you can extract it from a PrivateCertificate.

    If you read the signature of CertificateOptions very carefully, the required types should be fairly clear. You may also need to consult the pyOpenSSL documentation as well.