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Is it possible to install aws-cli package without root permission?

As title suggested, I haven't been able to find a good way to install aws-cli ( without having the root access (or equivalent of sudo privileges).

The way Homebrew setup on Mac is hinting at it may be possible, provided that a few directories and permissions are set in a way to facility future installs. However, I have yet to find any approach in Linux (specially, Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS distroes).

I am also aware of SCL from RHEL ( But again, it requires sudo.


  • There's a bundled installer for that purpose.

    Install aws command to $HOME/bin

    ./awscli-bundle/install -b ~/bin/aws

    Set $PATH environment variable

    echo $PATH | grep ~/bin     // See if $PATH contains ~/bin (output will be empty if it doesn't)
    export PATH=~/bin:$PATH     // Add ~/bin to $PATH if necessary

    Test the AWS CLI Installation

    aws help

    See the following link for details: