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SQL Inserting data in master table and then reference data in detail table

I have two tables:

  • MasterReg (MasterID, Revenue, Date, Desc); MasterID is an Identity column

  • DetailReg (DetailID, MasterID, NumValue); DetailID is an Identity column

I am trying to insert data from a xml string using openxml

insert into MasterReg (Revenue, Date, Desc) 
   Select Revenue, Date, Desc 
  From OPENXML(....

this will insert 5 rows in my MasterReg table

DetailReg table contains 6 rows for each of value inserted in MasterReg table

e.g. for MasterID=1 there will be six DetailID in DetailReg table (six entries in DetailReg for one Master entry)

My XML looks like this:

      <Desc>desc text...</Desc>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <Desc>desc text...</Desc>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <Desc>desc text...</Desc>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>
      <NumValue value="56"/>

I don't want to use cursor for this one...The first MasterReg entry done successfully but I don't have any idea about how to insert associated data into DetailReg with master reg table...

Both tables initially do not have any data in them.


  • I don't know who voted you down but your question has two merits: (1) dealing with XML data structure and (2) handling master-child inserts without resorting to cursor.

    This is a perfect job for MERGE:

    SET DATEFORMAT DMY -- Your server may not need this
    DECLARE @XMLString xml = '<!-- your xml goes here --!>'
    DECLARE @InsertResult TABLE
        MasterID    int,
        NumValueXML xml
    MERGE MasterReg
        USING   (
                    SELECT  Detail.value('Revenue[1]','int')        AS Revenue,
                            Detail.value('Date[1]','date')          AS [Date],
                            Detail.value('Desc[1]','varchar(200)')  AS [Desc],
                            Detail.query('NumValue')                AS NumValueXML
                    FROM    @XMLString.nodes('/Root/Detail') tmp(Detail)
                ) AS src
        ON      0 = 1
                INSERT (Revenue, [Date], [Desc])
                VALUES (src.Revenue, src.[Date], src.[Desc])
        OUTPUT  inserted.MasterID, src.NumValueXML
        INTO    @InsertResult (MasterID, NumValueXML)
    INSERT INTO DetailReg (MasterID, NumValue)
        SELECT      t1.MasterID,
        FROM        @InsertResult                    t1
        CROSS APPLY t1.NumValueXML.nodes('NumValue') t2(x)
    SELECT * FROM MasterReg
    SELECT * FROM DetailReg

    Let me know in the comment if you need help understand the query.