This is the Express way of wiring the routing:
// routes
app.get('/grid', function ..
app.use('/grid', expressJwt({secret : secret}));
But when I use aliases to wire the routing (express >= 4) ..
var gridRouter = express.Router()
, authRouter = express.Router();
// routes
grid.get('/', function ..
app.use('/grid', gridRouter)
app.use('/auth', authRouter)
... jwt does not work.
I found the answer myself and wanted to share it. We can't protect individual router aliases with ExpressJWT, yet we can protect the paths like we are used to.
var gridRouter = express.Router()
, authRouter = express.Router();
app.use('/grid/nestedGridPath', expressJwt({secret: secret}))
app.use('/auth/nestedAuthPath', expressJwt({secret: secret}))
app.use('/grid', gridRouter)
app.use('/auth', authRouter)
As an aside, in case you have problems in getting express-Jwt to work at all, you can still wire it directly, e.g.:
app.delete('/grid/delete/:id', expressJwt({secret:secret}), myFunc);