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Angular-Kendo grid - cancel editing breaks entire grid

I have a grid which works normally while adding, removing, deleting rows.

Now, troubles come when I try to add row and then I click cancel. After that, my entire grid element loses .data('kendoGrid') (it returns undefined after that). I don't have any custom actions defined.

Did anyone run into similar issue?


  • I found the solution finally...

    So, the problem was that I have been using grid like this:

    <div class='n-grid' kendo-grid="widget" k-options="gridOptions"></div>

    But this kind of using requires additional div wrapper. When I changed it to:

        <div class='n-grid' kendo-grid="widget" k-options="gridOptions"></div>

    Everything was fine...

    I found this out from this part of angular-kendo.js:

    self.bind("dataBinding", function(ev) {
        var el = $(this);
        if (el.attr(_UID_)) {
          var rowScope = angular.element(this).scope();
          // avoid destroying the widget's own scope
          // no idea why we get it, but we do.... :(
          if (rowScope && rowScope !== scope) {
            destroyScope(rowScope, el);

    When used without wrapper, cancelling changes in row, destroy parent's scope.

    Hope this helps :)