I need to compile R 3.1.1 with shared library (--enable-R-shlib) with ICC/MKL (Composer XE 2013 SP 1.3.174) in order to use a specific IDE (rstudio) and I am running into trouble.
Some information about my platform:
OS: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
Kernel: 3.13.0-30
Compiler: Intel ICC (Composer XE 2013 SP 1.3.174)
MKL: Intel MKL (Composer XE 2013 SP 1.3.174)
I previously had a working installation of R 3.1.1 (without shared library) compiled with ICC/MKL (Composer XE 2013 SP 1.3.174) as follows:
$source /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/ intel64
$export CC="icc"
$export CXX="icpc"
$export AR="xiar"
$export LD="xild"
$export CFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -openmp -xHost -multiple-processes"
$export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -ipo -openmp -xHost -multiple-processes"
$export MKL="-lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread"
$./configure --with-lapack --with-blas="$MKL" --build="x86_64-linux-gnu" --host="x86_64-linux-gnu" > log_cfg
$make > log_make_out 2> log_make_err
#make install
When I run the commands above the compilation is successful and log_make_err is empty at the end of the process.
As I said in the beginning, I now need to compile R with shared library (--enable-R-shlib). Therefore, I tried to use the exact same commands as before (same computer) and changed the configure line to:
$./configure --with-lapack --with-blas="$MKL" --build="x86_64-linux-gnu" --host="x86_64-linux-gnu" --enable-R-shlib
This gives the following output:
R is now configured for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Source directory: .
Installation directory: /usr/local
C compiler: icc -std=gnu99 -O3 -ipo -openmp -xHost -multiple-processes
Fortran 77 compiler: gfortran -g -O2
C++ compiler: icpc -O3 -ipo -openmp -xHost -multiple-processes
C++ 11 compiler: icpc -std=c++11 -O3 -ipo -openmp -xHost -multiple-processes
Fortran 90/95 compiler: x86_64-linux-gnu-gfortran -g -O2
Obj-C compiler: x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc
Interfaces supported: X11, tcltk
External libraries: readline, BLAS(generic), LAPACK(in blas), lzma
Additional capabilities: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, NLS, cairo
Options enabled: shared R library, R profiling
Recommended packages: yes
In this case, the compilation is not successful and log_make_err contains the following:
ld: /tmp/ipo_iccUpPSPh.o: undefined reference to symbol '__kmpc_end@@VERSION'
/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013_sp1.3.174/compiler/lib/intel64/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
make[3]: *** [R.bin] Error 1
make[2]: *** [R] Error 2
make[1]: *** [R] Error 1
make: *** [R] Error 1
When I run diff on the output of the configure script for each case, nothing strange shows up:
< Options enabled: R profiling
> Options enabled: shared R library, R profiling
I tried to include the full output of the make command but it exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed and using pastebin is not a good practice at SO.
Let me know if you feel like there is information missing that could help you lead me in the right direction.
Adding the following to the script solved it for me:
export MAIN_LDFLAGS='-openmp'
Everything else stayed the same.
Hopefully this will be useful to someone else.