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Trying to suppress StyleCop message SA1513:ClosingCurlyBracketMustBeFollowedByBlankLine

I am trying to suppress the following StyleCop message for a specific property:

SA1513: Statements or elements wrapped in curly brackets must be followed by a blank line.

I am trying to do the following, but it doesn't seem to work:

    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.StyleCop.CSharp.DocumentationRules", "SA1513:ClosingCurlyBracketMustBeFollowedByBlankLine", Justification = "There are no issues with this code")]
    public string CustomerId
            return this.GetProperty(CustomerIdProperty);
            if (this.IsNew)
                this.SetProperty(CustomerIdProperty, value);
                throw new ReadOnlyException("Id value can only be changed for a new record.");

Am I just doing something wrong? Or is this just not possible? It's a good rule, just not valid in my case for a property.


Tried switching from DocumentationRules to LayoutRules ... still not suppressing.

    [DataObjectField(true, false)]
    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.StyleCop.CSharp.LayoutRules", "SA1513:ClosingCurlyBracketMustBeFollowedByBlankLine", Justification = "There are no issues with this code")]
    public string CustomerId
            return this.GetProperty(CustomerIdProperty);
            if (this.IsNew)
                this.SetProperty(CustomerIdProperty, value);
                throw new ReadOnlyException("Id value can only be changed for a new record.");


  • I think this might be a problem with StyleCop. Which version do you have installed? This page states that:

    Starting with StyleCop 4.3.2, it is possible to suppress the reporting of rule violations by adding suppression attributes within the source code.

    I've just found that I can't suppress any messages. The installer I used just gives the version as 4.3. The latest version on the Codeplex is Make sure you have that version installed.


    I've been doing some checking and I can suppress DocumentationRules:

                         Justification = "Reviewed. Suppression is OK here.")]

    but not SpacingRules or LayoutRules. However, nothing I've found indicates why this should be the case.