I have tried to print pound sign with static as well as ASCII value, but it shows (?) sign in receipt, so is there any other way to print pound sign in receipt?
Finally, after Googling I found code to print Pound sign (£) in receipt printer. I am posting this solution so which might useful other developers in future.
For ESC/POS type printer(Related to serial port)
Dim bCOM(0) As Byte
bCOM(0) = &H9C
com1.Write(bCOM, 0, 1) 'where com1 is IO.Ports.SerialPort
For OPOS type printer
EpsonOposPrinter.CharacterSet = 1252
EpsonOposPrinter.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, Chr(&H1B) + "|N" + "£12.30" + vbCrLf)