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How to rename an Oracle XMLTYPE`s generated ROW and ROWSET node and convert it to varchar

In my stored procedure, I am fetching result sys_refcursor RESULTSET. When I am converting it to XMLTYPE using RESULTSET_XML := XMLTYPE(RESULTSET); RESULTSET_XML is of SYS.XMLTYPE type I am getting it as

    <?xml version="1.0"?>

This result I got by converting it to char using RESULTSET_XML.getStringVal(); Now I want to send this data to stored procedure as a VARCHAR2. But the stored procedure required data in the format given below as a VARCHAR2


So is there any way to rename these tags and send it as varchar2. I was trying the solution given in link [[1]: How to rename an Oracle XMLTYPE node

but since I have resultset I am not able to use this.

Or is there an way in select statement itself i will get the result in above format. My oracle query is



  • You can use the DBMS_XMLGEN package to set the node names and generate the XML object. As a simple example in an anonymous block:

    set serveroutput on;
      v_trailer number := 42; -- local for demo
      ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxhandle;
      resultset sys_refcursor;
      resultset_xml xmltype;
      open resultset for
        select p_do_id as delivery_order_id,compartment_id 
        from t_m_compartment
        where vehicle_id = v_trailer;
      ctx := dbms_xmlgen.newcontext(resultset);
      dbms_xmlgen.setrowsettag(ctx, 'DocumentElement');
      dbms_xmlgen.setrowtag(ctx, 'Maingrid');
      resultset_xml := dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype(ctx);
      close resultset;

    I'm using your query string to create the result set, but if you're calling another function to get that just substitute whatever mechanism/call you're using now instead of that assignment. If you're executing your query inside the procedure to create the result set (i.e. it isn't coming from a call to another function), you can just pass the query text in to new_context instead of an open ref cursor; although you'd have to concatenate your v_trailer value so the ref cursor is going to be cleaner overall.

    I set a dummy table up to look like your sample, and this gets the output:


    getStringVal() gives you a CLOB, but you can insert that into a varchar2 column as long as it will always be less than 4k (or 32k if you're on 12c), or pass it to another procedure as long as it's less than 32k. You'd probably be better off passing it as a CLOB or XMLType though, to keep it consistent.