Search code examples

Phonegap - Assemble with a query result from another query - Sqlite Query

I can not make a selection via the result of the first

Goal is: Do the query on the table "line" pick up your ID and search customers that line the "customer" table

This is my code:

    db = window.openDatabase("test", "1.0", "Test DB", 1000000);          

    function SelectData(tx)
       tx.executeSql("select id from linha",[],function(tx, response)
            for(i=0; i<response.rows.length; i++)
                tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE line= ?", [response.rows.item(i).id], 
                function (tx, results)
                    for(r=0; r<results.rows.length; r++)
                        alert(results.rows.item(r).nome); //never worked


  • It is diffcult to understand from your post, where is the actual error.
    Have you tried using console.log() call inside each tx.executeSql() to ascertain that the function is being executed.
    Alternatively you can use a single query instead of using two SELECT statements.


    select id from linha


    SELECT customers.columnName1, customers.columnName2 
    FROM customers INNER JOIN linha ON customers.line =