I have some text documents (.doc and .odf) with portions of colored code appearing inside.
This code was copied as RTF from Notepad++, that's how it got colored.
However, in Notepad++ (and in many IDEs as well), the line wrap function works makes the indented code look better when in does not fit and goes to the next line.
In LibreOffice/OpenOffice and Ms Word it's possible to achieve a similar line wrap with the "increase indent" button.
So, what I'd like to do, is to automatically replace the tabs (or 4 spaces, if you like) with proper indents. Or make the tabs behave like I expect them to. Is it possible? Thanks.
Here's a visualization of the problem
I achieved what I want through some (not that many) manual steps.
Now you have a nice code indentation.
If you are using Microsoft Word, then there's no "find all", but there is a way to apply paragraph styles directly from the search and replace menu. But the steps are a little different.
First decide how wide a single indentation should be (e.g. 0.5 cm)
Rinse and repeat until you get a nice indentation.
If you are using Python (or if you want to keep your white spaces) then instead of deleting the tabs (or spaces), you can replace them with a placeholder character you don't use in the rest of the code, say £ and replace them back in one pass when you are done. However, you'll get a skewed indentation.
I guess there's a way to do this with macros, but this was good enough for me.