I'm using the Mechanize gem to automate interaction with a website form.
The site i'm trying to interact with is http://www.tastekid.com/like/books
I'm trying to automatically submit a string to query in the form and return the suggested books in an array.
Following the guide, i've pretty printed the page layout to find the form name, but, I am just finding a form with no name, nill:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
page = agent.get('http://www.tastekid.com/like/books')
pp page
How do I enter a string, submit the form and return the results in the form of an array?
These answers feel a little cluttered to me, so let me try to make it simpler:
page = agent.get 'http://www.tastekid.com/like/books'
there's only one form, so:
form = page.form
form['q'] = 'twilight'
submit the form
page = form.submit
print the text from the a's
puts page.search('.books a').map &:text