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Is a valid paypal email address or not (PHP)

I am using paypal adaptive payments and i need to verify email address from paypal api given by the store/seller, so that the payment can be directly given to store by customers.

i want to check that if store's given email is a valid paypal email address and he/she has signed up for paypal or not.

tell me if PayPal supports and allows Application to access or not.

and also give me sample code please in php


  • Yes PayPal supports this feature via the use of "GetVerifiedStatus" API where you have to input the email address , first name and the last name as the required parameter and it will return the response like below :

    responseEnvelope.timestamp: 2014-10-01T01%3A17%3A10.081-07%3A00
    responseEnvelope.ack: Success
    responseEnvelope.correlationId: ce5a28138ca78 13068405
    accountStatus: VERIFIED
    userInfo.emailAddress: XXXXXXX
    userInfo.accountType: BUSINESS
    userInfo.accountId: XXXXXXXX Eshan+Business+Test Account 
    userInfo.businessName: Eshan+New+Business+Name

    You can use the below php code for this :

      $url = trim("");  //set PayPal Endpoint to sandbox
    //$url = trim("");         //set PayPal Endpoint to Live 
    $API_UserName = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";                                //PayPal Test API Credentials, Replace it with live if in live mode
    $API_AppID = "APP-80W284485P519543T";                                       //Default App ID for Sandbox, replace it with live id if in live mode   
    $API_RequestFormat = "NV";
    $API_ResponseFormat = "NV";
    //Create request payload 
    $bodyparams = array (   "requestEnvelope.errorLanguage" => "en_US",
                            "emailAddress" =>"put email address to check ",
                            "firstName" =>"XXXXX",
                            "lastName" =>"XXXXXX",
                            "matchCriteria" => "NAME"
    // convert payload array into url encoded query string
    $body_data = http_build_query($bodyparams, "", chr(38));
        //create request and add headers
        $params = array("http" => array( 
                                        "method" => "POST",
                                        "content" => $body_data,
                                        "header" => "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID:     " . $API_UserName . "\r\n" .
                                                    "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-SIGNATURE:  " . $API_Signature . "\r\n" .
                                                    "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD:   " . $API_Password . "\r\n" .
                                                    "X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID:      " . $API_AppID . "\r\n" .
                                                    "X-PAYPAL-REQUEST-DATA-FORMAT: " . $API_RequestFormat . "\r\n" .
                                                    "X-PAYPAL-RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT:" . $API_ResponseFormat . "\r\n" 
         $ctx = stream_context_create($params);  //create stream context
         $fp = @fopen($url, "r", false, $ctx);   //open the stream and send request
         $response = stream_get_contents($fp);   //get response
        //check to see if stream is open
         if ($response === false) 
            throw new Exception("php error message = " . "$php_errormsg");
         fclose($fp);    //close the stream
        //parse the ap key from the response
        $keyArray = explode("&", $response);
        foreach ($keyArray as $rVal)
            list($qKey, $qVal) = explode ("=", $rVal);
                $kArray[$qKey] = $qVal;
    //print the request to screen for testing purposes
    echo "Header info:" . "<br>";
    echo "<br><br>" . "Request Info:" . "<br>";
    echo "<br><br>" . "Response:" . "<br>";
    //print the response to screen for testing purposes
        If ( $kArray["responseEnvelope.ack"] == "Success") 
             foreach ($kArray as $key =>$value)
              echo $key . ": " .$value . "<br/>";
            foreach ($kArray as $key =>$value)
            echo $key . ": " .$value . "<br/>";
    catch(Exception $e) 
        echo "Message: ||" .$e->getMessage()."||";
    echo "<br>";  