Coming from python I am trying to find a way to time several function calls in a c++ code. So far I am using this.
void my_func(/*some args*/) {
clock_t t_begin = std::clock();
// code
clock_t t_end = std::clock();
double elapsed_secs_U = double(t_end - t_begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
But this is highly repetitive. And I would like to have something like a function wrapper so that I can write:
void timer(func, *args) {
clock_t t_begin = std::clock();
clock_t t_end = std::clock();
double elapsed_secs_U = double(t_end - t_begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
which could be used like:
timer(compute_a, a, b)
timer(compute_b, b, c)
Is there any way to achieve this in C++?
PS: I need the timings in productive runs, thus I dont want to recompile my code with profiling flags and stick it into Valgrind or any other tool
Using variadic template, you may do something like:
template <typename F, typename ... Ts>
void timer(F f, Ts&&...args) {
clock_t t_begin = std::clock();
clock_t t_end = std::clock();
double elapsed_secs_U = double(t_end - t_begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
But simply
template <typename F>
void timer(F f) {
clock_t t_begin = std::clock();
clock_t t_end = std::clock();
double elapsed_secs_U = double(t_end - t_begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
should do the job, and pass capturing lambda when you need to pass argument:
timer([&](){ compute_b(b, c);});