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Non-deprecated replacement for NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace?

I'm implementing my own NSBitmapImageRep (to draw PBM image files). To draw them, I'm using NSDrawBitmap() and passing it the NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace (as the bits are 1 for black, 0 for white).

Trouble is, I get the following warning:

warning: 'NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace' is deprecated

However, I couldn't find a good replacement for it. NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace gives me an inverted image, and there seems to be no way to get NSDrawBitmap() to use a CGColorSpaceRef or NSColorSpace that I could create as a custom equivalent to NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace.

I've found a (hacky) way to shut up the warning (so I can still build warning-free until a replacement becomes available) by just passing @"NSCalibratedBlackColorSpace" instead of the symbolic constant, but I'd rather apply a correct fix.

Anybody have an idea?

OK, so I tried

NSData*     pixelData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes: bytes +imgOffset length: [theData length] -imgOffset];
CGFloat     black[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
CGFloat     white[3] = { 100, 100, 100 };
CGColorSpaceRef calibratedBlackCS = CGColorSpaceCreateCalibratedGray( white, black, 1.8 );
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData( UKNSToCFData(pixelData) );
mImage = CGImageCreate( size.width, size.height, 1, 1, rowBytes, calibratedBlackCS, kCGImageAlphaNone,
                        provider, NULL, false, kCGRenderingIntentDefault );
CGColorSpaceRelease( calibratedBlackCS );

but it's still inverted. I also tried swapping black/white above, didn't change a thing. Am I misinterpreting the CIE tristimulus color value thing? Most docs seem to assume you know what it is or are willing to transform a piece of matrix maths to figure out what color is what. Or something.

I'd kinda like to avoid having to touch all the data once and invert it, but right now it seems like the best choice (/me unpacks his loops and xor operators).


  • It seems to have just been removed with no replacement. The fix is probably to just invert all the bits and use NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace.