I'm working on a mobile app using OnsenUI for the UI, running within the Monaca / Cordova framework, using Firebase as a BaaS through the angularfire module.
I've setup the module without Firebase as follows:
var myAppController = angular.module('myApp', ['onsen.directives']);
myAppController.controller('EventListCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
However, as soon as I add Firebase as a module, the app stops working.
var myAppController = angular.module('myApp', ['onsen.directives', 'firebase']);
myAppController.controller('EventListCtrl', ['$scope', '$firebase', function($scope, $firebase) {
Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thought I should answer this myself to help anyone else facing the same situation.
My issue was that the firebase js script reference was wrong., ie. I was careless.