I'm migrating from SQLite to PostgreSQL, and the following query is not working anymore:
where("my_timestamp is NOT NULL and my_timestamp != ''")
How can I find all records that have a certain (datetime) attribute present?
Assuming that your my_timestamp
column is a real timestamp
(i.e. t.datetime
in ActiveRecord parlance) then a simple NOT NULL test is sufficient:
where('my_timstamp is not null')
If this is the case then your query should be giving you an error like:
invalid input syntax for type timestamp: ""
pointing at your my_timestamp != ''
test. Your comparison with an empty string worked fine in SQLite because SQLite doesn't have a real timestamp type, it just uses ISO 8601 formatted strings in text columns; this data type problem is also why you ended up with ''
in your timestamp columns in SQLite in the first place.