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ngResource custom headers when calling action

In ngResource action I can specify custom request headers. However I need to set the headers at the time of calling the resource action.

The reason is I need paging and sorting data for the list query, and those need to be specified by custom headers (X-Order, X-Offset, and so on). This data can vary from call to call, so I cannot have them in the resource action definition.

Is there a way to pass headers while calling the action? (other than setting $http defaults)


  • Try Restangular service.

    You can find there method: setFullRequestInterceptor which may fit your needs

    //From Documentation
    RestangularProvider.setFullRequestInterceptor(function(element, operation, route, url, headers, params, httpConfig) {
          return {
            element: element,
            params: _.extend(params, {single: true}),
            headers: headers,
            httpConfig: httpConfig
