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Lua: Perfectly Truncate a Value

This script displays a value in a program:

string.format("%d", math.floor(self:value())) -- Where self:value() is a number like 4.1256913947

This script takes that same value and prints it to my console.

math.floor(value) -- Where value is the same number as self:value()'s just being sent to another function as well

The problem is the display value and the console printed value don't match up. This happens rarely and infrequently, but when a user enters data that goes over the integer slightly (ie 4.0029893417) or whatever then it will floor it to 3 in this case for no reason. I have tried math.ceil but the reverse effect happens when it's to close (ie 4.89898989) it prints 5 but displays 4. Is there a way to make it so the number perfectly truncates? Thus displaying correctly and printing correctly?

Note: The Value is unchangeable, as sometimes those extra decimals need to be there and are dealt with accordingly in other places/functions.

Thanks :)


  • Out of curiosity, I've performed some tests, using some of the conditions you described. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I wasn't able to reproduce the problem you're talking about. The snippet below adds and subtracts random numbers, so that the result is around 4 and then compares both methods of printing (compares by produced string):

    for i=1,10000000 do
        local value = 3.9 + math.random() * 0.2
        local s1 = string.format("%d", math.floor(value))
        local s2 = tostring(math.floor(value))
        if s1 ~= s2 then print "Error" end

    As you can guess, 'Error' doesn't show up.

    I've made yet another experiment:

    local l = 4
    for i=1,100000 do
        local k = math.pow(10,-i)
        local rand = math.random() * 0.1
        local subtracted = l - k - rand
        if math.floor(subtracted + k + rand) < 4 then
            print "error"

    By adding very small number I was hoping to get similar result to what you describe, but again, problem doesn't show up.

    So I must conclude that the problem probably lays in the difference between function self:value() and variable value (they indeed have different values sometimes).