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Why does mapping over an HList of Option[T] not work?

This does not compile and I do not understand why:

import shapeless._
import poly._

object option extends (Option ~> List) {
    def apply[T](t: Option[T]) = t.toList

val simple = Some(1) :: Some("hello") :: Some(true) :: HNil
val opts: List[Int] :: List[String] :: List[Boolean] :: HNil = simple map option

This is somewhat surprising, because this does compile:

import shapeless._
import poly._

object choose extends (Set ~> Option) {
    def apply[T](s: Set[T]) = s.headOption

val sets = Set(1) :: Set("foo") :: HNil
val opts: Option[Int] :: Option[String] :: HNil = sets map choose


  • The problem is your usage of Some instead of Option. The compiler complains that it can't find anything to convert a list of Somes though your Option mapper is being used. To fix this you can:

    Change your simple list construction to use Option instead of Some:

      object option extends (Option ~> List) {
        def apply[T](t: Option[T]) = t.toList
      val simple = Option(1) :: Option("hello") :: Option(true) :: HNil
      val opts2: List[Int] :: List[String] :: List[Boolean] :: HNil = simple map option

    Use Some as the type of your mapper:

      object option extends (Some ~> List) {
        def apply[T](t: Some[T]) = t.toList
      val simple = Some(1) :: Some("hello") :: Some(true) :: HNil
      val opts2: List[Int] :: List[String] :: List[Boolean] :: HNil = simple map option

    Or force the type of simple to be downcast to Option:

      object option extends (Option ~> List) {
        def apply[T](t: Option[T]) = t.toList
      val simple: Option[Int] :: Option[String] :: Option[Boolean] :: HNil = Some(1) :: Some("hello") :: Some(true) :: HNil
      val opts2: List[Int] :: List[String] :: List[Boolean] :: HNil = simple map option