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ERRNO: 8192 when trying to send mail

I have the following code which works when i put it in any blank php page,but when i try to put the code in another php page where i already have some codes in it, i get the error:

ERRNO: 8192
TEXT: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated
LOCATION: C:\xampp\php\PEAR\Mail.php, line 154,
        $mail = Mail::factory("mail");

        $headers = array("From"=>"[email protected]", "Subject"=>"Your order has been placed   ");
        $body = "lol";
        $mail->send("[email protected]", $headers, $body);


  • You probably have an old version of PEAR::Mail. Could be version 1.1.14, the last stable version before the current stable version 1.2.0.


    pear channel-update
    pear upgrade Mail

    to get the latest version.

    edit: This is not actually part of the answer but doesn't fit in a comment either:

    For debugging purposes replace the factory function in pear/Mail.php by

    function &factory($driver, $params = array())
      $driver = strtolower($driver);
      echo '<pre>Debug: driver=', $driver, "</pre>\n";
      echo '<pre>Debug: include_path=', get_include_path(), "</pre>\n";
      echo '<pre>Debug: cwd=', getcwd(), "</pre>\n";
      echo '<pre>Debug: __FILE__=', __FILE__, "</pre>\n";
      require_once 'Mail/' . $driver . '.php';
      $class = 'Mail_' . $driver;
      if (class_exists($class)) {
        $mailer = new $class($params);
        return $mailer;
      else {
        throw new Exception('Unable to find class for driver ' . $driver);