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Hiding Data from Powerpoint Charts using the MS Office Interop

I'm updating software that cuts up and stitches PowerPoint slides together for end users. The slides contain charts. I need to find a way of hiding the raw chart data from the users that receive the files.

Is there anyway of doing this natively within the PowerPoint interop? I've tried Read-Only but the user can still get at the data.


  • Ok. Here is my final answer to my question. This shows the completed code that can perfectly replicate the slide while keeping the charts from being edited i.e. buy turning it into a .png.

    This also solves the previous problem of the placeholders being left.

    Hopefully some of this code is helpful to someone trawling the internet like I did.

    //Open the slides presentation
    var pres = _application.Presentations.Open2007(item.PresentationPath,
     //For slide ranges
     foreach (var i in range)
         //Get the old slide
         var oldSlide = pres.Slides[i];
         //Paste the slide into the new presentation
         var newSlide = newPresentation.Slides.Paste(totalSlides + 1);
         newSlide.Design = oldSlide.Design;
         newSlide.ColorScheme = oldSlide.ColorScheme;
         /* The shapes haven't retained their content because we are not in slide...
         view because there is no window. */
         //Delete all the shapes that were just pasted in because of the slide paste.
         for (int k = newSlide.Shapes.Count; k > 0; k--)
         //Put in our shapes
         //Loop forwards, because we arn't editing the list and forward is required to
         //maintain the zorder we want on some slides.
         for (int j = 1; j <= oldSlide.Shapes.Count; j++)
             var oldShape = oldSlide.Shapes[j];
             //Paste Put it where it should be on the page
             /* This is a special case where the client have put textboxes in the
             Powerpoint and rotated throwing off the position, so we need treat as rotated
             shapes to make it right. */
             if (oldShape.HasTextFrame == MsoTriState.msoTrue && Math.Abs(oldShape.Rotation) > 0)
                 //Paste as a shape because it's a more complex object
                 //set ALL THE PROPERTIES just in case.
                 var newShape = newSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(PpPasteDataType.ppPasteShape);
                 newShape.Rotation = oldShape.Rotation;
                 newShape.Top = oldShape.Top;
                 newShape.Left = oldShape.Left;
                 newShape.TextFrame.Orientation = oldShape.TextFrame.Orientation;
                 newShape.TextFrame.WordWrap = oldShape.TextFrame.WordWrap;
                 newShape.TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = oldShape.TextFrame.VerticalAnchor;
             else // Act normally
                 //Paste the old shape into the new slide as an image to ENSURE FORMATTING
                 var newShape = newSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(PpPasteDataType.ppPastePNG);
                 newShape.Top = oldShape.Top;
                 newShape.Left = oldShape.Left;
         totalSlides += ((item.EndIndex - item.StartIndex) + 1);

    After the new presentation has been compiled, you must delete all placeholders.

    //Loop through all slides
    foreach (Slide exportSlide in newPresentation.Slides)
        //Delete the placeholders
        for (int i = exportSlide.Shapes.Placeholders.Count; i > 0; i--)